Becky VanLoon

Becky VanLoon - National Volunteer Lead


Welcome to the first issue of Around the Track, a newsletter about Relay For Life by Relay For Life volunteers. I am so excited to be able to provide information with you. The plan is to distribute the newsletter monthly around this time. You will find that there a couple things that will be a regular occurrence in the newsletter and some special occurrences.


Please be sure to take the time to review the Directory at the end as I have put in quite a few "quick links" for you...including a couple one I particularly want you to note this month. First is the launched and the other is the .


One quick reminder: The Relay For Life logo ALWAYS should have the ACS portion with it. Do not use just the side with Relay For Life in it. Logo files should not be edited in any way--this includes cutting it in half.


ACS and ACS CAN Commend US Surgeon General's Efforts to Reduce Alcohol-Related Cancers


On Friday, Jan. 3, the United States Surgeon General released a new advisory report, citing evidence that links alcohol consumption with an increased risk of cancer. ACS supports these efforts to drive awareness of the correlation between alcohol and cancer diagnosis and death.



2025 Nationwide Event Season Numbers*

  • Teams: 7,009 (down 9%)
  • Participants: 26,673 (down 5%)
  • Survivors: 4,557 (up 11%)
  • Money Raised: $6,1458,320 (up 7%)



Becky VanLoon, National Relay Leadership Team (NRLT) Lead

--Where do you live? Mason City, IA (for now)

--Reason for Relay-ing. My grandparents, parents, family, and friends. I don't want them to hear "you have cancer" without the follow-up of "but we have a cure for that"

--One book you would recommend others to read: The Watchmaker's Daughter by Larry Loftis

--If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why? To fly. The thrill of the wind in my hair as I travel and get somewhere without waiting on the airlines.

--Favorite ice cream flavor: Cherry chocolate chunk

--What is one thing you would like other volunteers to know: You are stronger than you imagine. I have seen strength and endurance in some of you that rivals Olympians. You are the heart of ACS and I cannot wait to see what each of you does this year.




As ACS’s childhood cancer initiative, Gold Together empowers individuals to raise funds that directly support research, advocacy, and patient support dedicated to childhood cancer.


As of January 2024, the ACS is funding 58 multi-year research grants for a total of $39 million that are specific to Childhood Cancer.


For more about Gold Together, visit and page.

Matt Lewis, Strategic Director, Global Relay For Life


I am delighted to share with you this conversation. I was able to connect with ACS' VP of Hope Lodge, Tamara Fernandez, to find out more about the program that she oversees, which has been running for over 50 years, providing more than accommodation to cancer patients across the U.S.


Click the link to hear our 10 min chat about this amazing support service: Hope Lodge with Tamara Fernandez


Take a look at what Relays are in the News!

Meet ACS Interim CEO: Wayne A.I. Frederick, MD, MBA


Wayne A. I. Frederick, MD, MBA is the interim CEO of both ACS and the ACS CAN. In this role and alongside the organization’s Board of Directors, he guides both organizations – and their more than 3,000 team members and 1.3 million volunteers – toward a vision to end cancer as we know it, for everyone.


Also president emeritus of Howard University, Dr. Frederick served as the institution's 17th president from 2014 to 2023. Under his leadership, Howard University made significant strides in student opportunity, academic innovation, public service, and fiscal stability.


to learn more about Dr. Frederick and his history with ACS.



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You can always contact us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, at 1-800-227-2345

or at .


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