Becky VanLoon, National Relay Leadership Team (NRLT) Lead
--Where do you live? Mason City, IA (for now)
--Reason for Relay-ing. My grandparents, parents, family, and friends. I don't want them to hear "you have cancer" without the follow-up of "but we have a cure for that"
--One book you would recommend others to read: The Watchmaker's Daughter by Larry Loftis
--If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why? To fly. The thrill of the wind in my hair as I travel and get somewhere without waiting on the airlines.
--Favorite ice cream flavor: Cherry chocolate chunk
--What is one thing you would like other volunteers to know: You are stronger than you imagine. I have seen strength and endurance in some of you that rivals Olympians. You are the heart of ACS and I cannot wait to see what each of you does this year.